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Our Financial History

About two years ago my family experienced an economic crash. The problem was not, just, that we had very little money but that prior to that crash we had accumulated an enormous amount of debt. It was as if life for us was slowly coming to a poverty state. It was scary to even think how low our living could have been. We had lost our means of investment/income by placing trust "people" and "systems" that should have worked for us since we knew them. The reality was that both paths failed, people stole and were unethical and wicked and systems grew lesser profitable and less reliable some even came to a halt. I became depressed and sought counceling guidance and someone to feel what I felt, it was a bit too mush for me to bare... but I trusted in God and so did my family, we were a group of intelligent people not making 'intelligent money'.

DO NOT LET some one who doesn't know or even feel, and I mean really FEEL what you are going through, what you have to put up with daily, to tell you what you need to do. I and my family have realized the only thing we can do is to .." TRUST in GOD with all our hearts and lean not on our own knowledge or understanding but in all our ways acknowledge him and he shal direct your path" Proverbs 3: 5,6.

The Steps of a righeous man are ORDERED by God.
So we were forced to restructure our plans and just allowed God to make the change for us.. We sat as a family and thought of a number of ways we can reclaim our wealth, and that was the beginning stage.


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